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Our biggest compliment from our current membership is that we make them feel at home and welcome. Along with that great welcoming environment, we also feature:
- A fully furnished club house with wireless internet, conference room & sleeping for 4.
- Great homemade cooking and Big Al’s famous pies
- World champion dog handlers & dogs working out of our club for members that do not have dogs or have dogs in need of training.
- Automatic Trap Throwers
- 2 ponds filled with fish for year-round entertainment and dog training
- Year round coyote hunting to go along with your Duck, Goose and Turkey shooting.
- 12 Grass and Sorghum Fields on 650 acres
- 100 Yard rifle range
- 5-Stand Clay Shooting (Coming Soon)
- A comfortable clubhouse and beautiful grounds that can be used year round for special evens.